Saison de Musique De Chambre: Cecilia Lacca & Maurizio Agostini

“Where words leave off, music begins.”

- Heinrich Heine -

Enchanting evening of classical music organized by the Universite Antonine, as a part of its continuous cultural events of the Saison De Musique De Chambre; still amazes the audience by its charming melodies and multiples musical tastes. The main guests were Maurizio Agostini on the piano and Cecilia Lacca on the violin. 

The two musicians mesmerized the ambiance where they played, through a compilation of harmonies, both powerful and serene at the same time. The evening started with a pleasing Sonata for G. Donizetti in F Minor for both instruments, to carry on with a remarkable performance with Carmen Fantasy, Op. 25 for P. of Sarsate, presenting a Sonata in A Major for C. Frank before ending in beauty with the Popular Roman Dances for B. Bartok. 

Fr. Toufic Maatouk, O.A.M., Director of the Antonine Fathers' School of Music and Director of the Antonine University Choir